The society



  • Organization of the biennial National Congress of Plant Pathology.
  • Organization of international conferences, symposia, round tables, courses, workshops and seminars with a nonspecific periodicity.
  • Edition of books and monographs about various aspects of the discipline.
  • Edition of the annual magazine.
  • Edition of the monthly newsletter and an annual membership directory.
  • Adoption of agreements with public and private entities for the development of projects and consultancies.
  • Awards to the best poster, oral presentation and photograph presented at the National Congress of Plant Pathology.


  • To promote, facilitate, integrate and disseminate studies in the different areas of Plant Pathology.
  • To foster actions which enhance research and academic teaching in the field of Plant Pathology in Spain.
  • To facilitate interactions among Spanish Plant Pathologists with experts from other related fields.
  • To establish relationships with allied societies from Spain or elsewhere.


Our history

  • The Spanish Phytopathological Society was established on September 24, 1981, at the VI Annual Meeting of the Specialized Group in Microbial Phytopathology of the Spanish Society of Microbiology. Since then, 19 National Congresses of Plant Pathology have been held. Currently, the Spanish Phytopathological Society is member of the International Society for Plant Pathology (ISPP), the European Foundation for Plant Pathology (EFPP) and Confederación de Sociedades Científicas de España (COSCE)..