Información sobre inscripción

FULL MEMBERS, those persons who apply for membership, and who have conducted and published original research, made other contributions in the field of Plant Pathology, or who prove early scientific or technical career status in this discipline. They must be nominated by two full members or honorary members and their acceptance will correspond to the SEF Management Board, and it will eventually be approved by the General Assembly. Full members pay an annual fee that entitles to a reduced registration fee in the SEF National Congress of Plant Pathology and those of allied societies (Spanish Society of Applied Entomology, Spanish Weed Science Society and Spanish Biometric Society). Full members receive SEF publications (newsletter and magazine) and their professional activities and publications are posted on the SEF website and social networks (twitter and facebook).

SUSTAINING ASSOCIATES,those persons or entities that, wishing to contribute to the support and development of the SEF, are accepted by the General Assembly as nominated by the Management Board. The sustaining associates pay an annual fee that entitles to a free registration in the SEF National Congress of Plant Pathology. The logo and link of the sustaining associates are displayed on the SEF website and magazine. Activities of the sustaining associates related with Plant Pathology are posted on the SEF website and social networks (twitter and facebook). Sustaining associates receive SEF publications (newsletter and magazine) under the same conditions as the full members..

HONORARY MEMBERS, relevant persons in the field of Plant Pathology or who distinguished by their contribution in favor of the SEF. Their nomination shall be made by the General Assembly based on a reasoned motivation. They should be proposed by the Management Board or alternatively from at least twenty-five full members. Candidates to honorary membership must be full members but no annual fee will apply.

EMERITUS MEMBERS,retired SEF members who explicitly request for emeritus membership to the SEF Secretariat. They maintain all the full membership benefits but no annual fee will apply.

ASSOCIATED MEMBERS, aims to facilitate association to the SEF of any person, whose work and interests are related to Plant Pathology and its progress in Spain. The nomination for associated membership must be submitted by two full members and will be resolved directly by the Management Board. Associated members should contribute with an annual fee.

All SEF members are informed of SEF activities, they may attend all the SEF meetings and social events and speak in the General Assembly. Only full members can vote in the General Assembly and are eligible for the Management Board..

Full Members 35€
Sustaining Associates free
Patron Member 400€
Associated Member to be decided by the Management Board


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