Postharvest Pathology of Fresh Horticultural Produce
Optimal distribution of fresh horticultural products entails prolonging their freshness and nutritional quality as long as possible after harvest. A major limitation to their marketing is decay after harvest, which is caused primarily by fungal pathogens. Postharvest Pathology of Fresh Horticultural Produce provides a comprehensive resource of information about the biology and control of postharvest diseases of many fresh horticultural products, citing sources from appropriate literature of any age, rather than only the most recent. The etiology and symptoms of postharvest diseases and the biology of postharvest pathogens are reviewed by leading experts, who are familiar with many of world’s most popular fresh fruits and vegetables and the diseases that affect them. Key aspects related to infection and epidemiology, methods to minimize postharvest decay losses, including use of conventional fungicides and alternative management strategies, harvest and handling practices, and other aspects are described for the most significant temperate, subtropical, and tropical fruits as well as fruit-like vegetables and leafy vegetables.
- Provides comprehensive academic and practical reviews of postharvest diseases of fresh fruits and vegetables
- Discusses the economic importance, etiology, and epidemiology of the most significant postharvest diseases
- Includes quality color plates that allow the practical identification of disease symptoms
- Explains practical postharvest disease management actions, including the use of conventional fungicides and alternatives to their use
The authors summarize a massive quantity of published information, and often apply their own considerable practical experience to identify and interpret the most significant information. This book is a valuable and comprehensive resource for industry professionals, academics, educators, students, consultants, pest control advisors, regulatory personnel, and others interested in this subject.
Libro blanco de la sanidad vegetal en España
Este Libro Blanco, en el que han participado 49 autores, pretende proporcionar una visión realista y crítica del panorama actual de la Sanidad Vegetal en España; identificar sus debilidades, amenazas y fortalezas en los diversos aspectos; proponer acciones a corto y medio plazo que puedan ayudar a contrarrestarlas; y propiciar una reflexión en las administraciones públicas, instituciones, sector empresarial y usuarios, respecto de la necesidad y las oportunidades de mejorar la Sanidad Vegetal española con vistas al corto y medio plazo. El libro está estructurado en cinco partes y 25 capítulos, y su realización ha sido larga y complicada. En la primera de dichas partes se presenta una ‘Descripción de la estructura actual del sistema español de la Sanidad Vegetal’, a la que siguen un análisis de las ‘Problemáticas estratégicas actuales y amenazas en la Sanidad Vegetal en España’ y de las ‘Necesidades derivadas del nuevo marco legislativo de 2009’. En la cuarta parte se identifican las ‘Debilidades y fortalezas del sistema español de la Sanidad Vegetal’ y en la quinta se exponen las ‘Conclusiones y propuestas de acciones’.
The Economics of Soybean Disease Control
Worldwide soybean crop yields can achieve USD$130 billion per year in farm-level sales, but around 13% of these yields are lost to disease. Effective disease management could generate significant economic benefits, and while disease management strategies do exist, their application remains limited among producers, often due to an incomplete understanding of disease incidence and severity, as well as perceived complexities of these strategies and a lack of information regarding success rates. This book presents an economic perspective on disease control, with an emphasis on producer choice among alternative technologies and potential changes in cropping systems. It provides an overview of global soybean diseases, their economic significance and management, and covers farm-level decision making, economic payoffs of alternative disease practices and key uncertainties. The book also outlines a global economic model that evaluates disease distribution and management implications.
Compendium of Bedding Plant Diseases and Pests
The 1970s were the heyday of research on bedding plants—a time when both interest and innovation blossomed. But since then, a lot has changed! Many new species and cultivars have been introduced, changes in propagation procedures have resulted in more frequent outbreaks of diseases and infestations of insect pests, and the long-distance exchange of plant materials has facilitated worldwide movement of new and sometimes pesticide-resistant pathogens and arthropod pests. Management strategies have changed significantly, as well, and now include enhanced clean stock production for some crops, more rigorous sanitation practices, and applications of improved chemical pesticides and biological controls. Compendium of Bedding Plant Diseases and Pests summarizes all the latest research-based information about diseases, disorders, and arthropod pests of annuals grown as bedding plants. The information has been compiled by A. R. Chase, Margery L. Daughtrey, and Raymond A. Cloyd.
Cucumber Mosaic Virus
Cucumber mosaic virus (CMV) has the broadest host range of any virus, and among the 1,000-plus host plants it affects are economically important food crops such as tomato, pepper, and lettuce. New species of host plants are being identified every year, mostly among weeds and ornamental plants as the latter become more popular. This is especially true in the developing world, where many plant species have not yet been surveyed. To date, most publications on CMV have focused on specific aspects of the virus. That has changed with release of this new book by APS PRESS, Cucumber Mosaic Virus. Written by an international group of 29 experts on various aspects of CMV, this comprehensive book provides key findings from 100 years of research in a single volume. Cucumber Mosaic Virus reprints the first three papers on cucumber mosaic disease published in 1916 and covers the literature since then on various aspects of CMV: the pathology associated with CMV, the molecular biology of CMV, the purification of CMV, the use of CMV as a protein expression vector or a gene-silencing vector, and the structure, biology, and evolution of CMV satellite RNAs.
Plant-Pathogenic Acidovorax Species
Research goes back more than 100 years for some genera of plant-pathogenic bacteria, and a lot is known about the diseases they cause, including how to manage them. The opposite is true of the genus Acidovorax. Acidovorax pathogens and diseases have only recently been considered as economically important threats to food crops worldwide—among them, cereals such as corn, wheat, oats, barley, and rice. Thus, little is known about Acidovorax pathogens, and options for managing the diseases they cause are limited. Plant-Pathogenic Acidovorax Species is the first comprehensive effort to collate information on these pathogens. This book provides an up-to-date overview of plant diseases caused by Acidovorax species, addressing taxonomy, epidemiology, diagnosis, and management. In addition, the book considers nonpathogenic plant-associated or free-living species of Acidovorax.
Control Biológico de Enfermedades Vegetales
Este libro consta de 32 capítulos resultado de la participación de los mejores grupos de investigación de España relacionados con el control biológico de enfermedades de cultivos agrícolas y forestales. Los capítulos están agrupados en dos secciones, una donde se abordan aspectos generales del control biológico de enfermedades vegetales y su futuro; y una segunda donde se muestra su aplicación en distintos patosistemas presentes en la agricultura. Se trata de un libro que combina aspectos básicos con otros muy aplicados, y con el que se pretende proporcionar las claves para entender el funcionamiento y la puesta en práctica del control biológico de enfermedades vegetales a un amplio público preocupado por la falta de alternativas no químicas a los producto fitosanitarios en los cultivos, desde el consumidor hasta el investigador, pasando por los docentes, asesores, técnicos y agricultores.
Westerdijk Laboratory Manual Series No. 1: Fungal Biodiversity 2nd Edition
The second edition of the highly popular “Westerdijk Laboratory Manual Series No. 1: Fungal Biodiversity” is now available. The volume (hard copy, full colour) is extended with 150 pages. This Laboratory Manual focuses on techniques for isolation, cultivation, molecular and morphological study of filamentous fungi and yeasts. It has been developed as a general text over many years, which is based on the annual mycology course given at the Westerdijk Fungal Biodiversity Institute in Utrecht, The Netherlands. The manual provides an introductory text to systematic mycology, starting with a concise treatise of Hyphochytridiomycotaand Oomycota, which have long been subject of study by mycologists, but are now classified in the Kingdom Chromista. These are followed by sections on the groups of “true fungi”: Chytridiomycota, Blastocladiomycota, “Zygomycota”, Ascomycota and Basidiomycota.
Enfermedades causadas por la bacteria Xylella fastidiosa
El interés científico, fitopatológico, técnico y mediático suscitado en España por la bacteria Xylella fastidiosa no es comparable al despertado por ningún otro tema relacionado con la sanidad vegetal en las últimas décadas. A pesar de la cantidad de información disponible sobre este patógeno, no toda tiene el rigor necesario y por ello este libro pretende ofrecer información fiable, proporcionada por los expertos españoles en el tema y por investigadores de otros países con amplia experiencia en esta bacteria. El libro incluye 15 capítulos que pretenden ofrecer una revisión actualizada, pero también realista, práctica y crítica del estado actual de los conocimientos sobre esta bacteria y las enfermedades (bacteriosis) de las que es responsable. Consta de nueve capítulos generales y de seis más específicos sobre la situación y la problemática de las enfermedades producidas por X. fastidiosa en América y en Europa, incluyendo España. La lectura de los distintos capítulos nos lleva a profundizar en el complejo sistema que constituyen X. fastidiosa, sus plantas huéspedes, sus vectores y las condiciones medioambientales del entorno.
Compendium of Blueberry, Cranberry, and Lingonberry Diseases and Pests, Second Edition
This comprehensive new diagnostic and management guide is the largest, most comprehensive APS compendium published to date. Nearly triple the thickness of the previous edition, it collectively covers nearly 150 diseases, pests, and disorders of blueberry, cranberry, and lingonberry crops. It is ideal for large and small commercial growing operations, nurseries, as well as the advisors that serve them, including universities, extension offices, independent consultants, and diagnostic labs. The highly anticipated second edition of this book, published nearly two decades after the first edition, offers the most practical, up-to-date, and comprehensive information in existence for diagnosing and managing diseases and disorders of blueberries (highbush, lowbush, and rabbiteye), cranberries, and lingonberries. It includes nearly 400 images and management recommendations from top researchers across the world, enabling users to more confidently scout, identify, and manage problems in the field before they become economically significant.