
Plant Health Without Borders - 15 de Mayo

Mar, 19/03/2024

Dear Madam/Sir,

We are pleased to invite you to the symposium ‘Plant Health Without Borders’, hosted by the Belgian Presidency of the Council of the European Union. This event, which is co-organised with the Horizon Europe EUPHRESCO III project consortium, will take place at the Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences, located in Brussels, on 15 May 2024 starting at 12:30. The symposium will also be livestreamed for remote participants.

Please find enclosed your invitation letter and the draft programme for more information.

We kindly ask you to register your presence via the online registration platform by 8 April 2024. As the number of seats in the auditorium is limited, you will be asked to indicate your preference for on-site or online attendance. We will let you know whether we can confirm your choice by 15 April 2024.

This invitation may be shared within your network. 

Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us by e-mail at


We look forward to welcoming you in Brussels or online.

>>Invitation letter
>>Draft Programme